Move n steps#
Turn ↻ n degrees#
Turn ↺ n degrees#
Go to#
Go to random position#
Go to mouse-pointer#
Go to sprite#
This will make your sprite go to the position of another sprite named "gobo".
Go to x y#
Glide n seconds to#
Glide n seconds to random position#
Glide n seconds to mouse-pointer#
Glide n seconds to sprite#
This will make your sprite glide to the position of another sprite named "gobo".
Glide n seconds to x y#
The first two values provide the x and y coordinates. The third value is the amount of seconds it will take to glide there.
Point in direction n#
Point towards#
Point towards mouse-pointer#
Point towards random direction#
### Point towards sprite
point_towards "gobo";
## Change x by n
change_x 10;
## Set x to n
set_x 0;
## Change y by n
change_y 10;
## Set y to n
set_y 0;
## If on edge, bounce